Monday, February 10, 2020


Obgleich seine Methode sich anfanglich eine kurze Popularitat erfreute — man fuhlte das Bediirfniss von etwas — bewies es sich jedocb innerhalb wenige Jahren als ein totaler Fehlschlag. When these words shall have been exhausted, the next source of supply would be those words which would similarly run through nine of the ten languages; then those which would run through eight; then seven ; and so on down. This must be looked upon as nothing less than evidence of a desire on the part of these peoples to come together as nearly as possible in their modes of expression. Ocean Eyes is the second studio album by American electronica project Owl City The album was released on the iTunes Store on July 14,, and in stores on. Sheet Music CC is a site for those who wants to access popular sheet music easily, letting them download the sheet music for free for trial purposes. They were not obliged to borrow these words. vinheta piii

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Should this course be pursued, long before reaching the limit of a single language, the sources of supply for root words would be practically inexhaustible ; since every list of words thus obtained would be larger than any previous one. Schleyer com- mise un errore, in primo luogo, cercando di formare una nuova lingua. Der Zweck dieses Worterverzeichnis ist zu zeigen welch grosse An- zahl Worter sich gleich sind in beinahe alien Indo-Germanischen Sprachen; Es ist kaum nothig zu bemerken dass viele dieser Worter eine vinyeta verschiedene Bedeutung haben in den verschiedenen Sprachen.

Certain syllables were taken for the numerals z to 9, thus: Trotzdem hat nun Prof.

Tome-se por exem- plo a palavra thread. You can search through the full text of this book on the web at http: Esta junta, que representaria todas as linguas Indo- Germanicas mais importantes, poderfa ivnheta encarregar-se de repre- sentar d familia inteira para construir uma lengua commum.

El ndmero de tales palabras que se encontrarfan en la mayorfa de estas lenguas ascenderfa d decenas de millares. No artigo seguinte o autor tem explicado completamente as suas opinides em quanto a as medidas que hao de tomar-se para principiar tal reforma.

These were combined for the higher numbers. Yet, notwithstanding all the diversities and variations, there is still a substantial similarity both of souild and of signification. O modo de construir a lingua mesma seria determinado por philologos e linguistas illustres eleitos e escolhidos para este proposito.

Jedoch sein grosster Irr- thum war, dass er den Grundsatz nicht anerkannte, dass seine Wurzel- worter mit andern Sprachen tibereinstimmen sollten. Da ci6 comeradice, noi abbiamo gik molti derivativiin Inglese, come: Lo scopo di questo vocabolario 6 per dimostrare qual immenso capi- tale di parole 6 usato in comune fra quasi tutte le lingue Indo-Germani- che.

If the author of this work has succeeded in furnishing suggestions which shall prove to be of any value as to the mode of commencing a work the importance of which is conceded by all, he will feel well repaid for his time and labor.

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Sin embargo, aunque haya variedades y diferencias, existe no obstante una similaridad bastante material en el sonido asf como en el significado. Niemand ist im Stande vinhea zu thun.

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We vknheta now to the nouns: I have sought in vain to find a meaning which could be translated by the word "rice," nor is any light thrown upon it in the Volapiik dictionary. Dal Tedesco faden egli prese fad come la parola radicale filo. De que modo se debiera construir la lengua misma, lo determ- inarian ilustres fil61ogos y linguistas elegidos y escogidos para este pro- p6sito. Det ar knappast nOdigt att saga, att minga af dessa ord hafva nagot olika mening i olika sprik.

On the contrary, by including all the scientific terms which, being derived from the Latin and Greek, are adopted without change into the modern languages, and by adding the derivatives regularly formed from the entire list thus augmented, the number could easily be doubled.

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Prenez, par exemple, le mot fil. They were not obliged to borrow these words. Fireflies" was released as a free download on the game Tap Tap Owl City 39 s music is described as indietronica and synth pop and is Owl City 39 s 39 Fireflies Per ottenere una parola tanto corta che possibile ed una che risounasse similmente in tante lingue che fosse possibile, la voce primi- tiva o radicale dovrebbe essere fil, dal Francese fil.

Yet Professor Schleyer, ignoring these eight pili, and these eight peoples, took his root word from a single language. The number of such words which would be found in a majority of these languages, could be counted by the tens of thousands.

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