Tuesday, February 4, 2020


And, I think the mail man was snooping at my pay stubs! Please do not request this title. Also, no mobile browsing either. PM the Mods with a GCX screenshot or other proof , and we'll add flair proudly proclaiming your expertise! If posting the same question in multiple places, include links to the other threads. Sounds great to me because it's a good green thing to do. Modifying the Employee Retention Portal configuration file portalConfig. portalconfig.xml

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The strings that supply text for Employee Retention Portal web client labels and error messages are defined in C: Also, after finding a solution, please make sure to mark your post using the "edit solved status" or "flair" button. Fixing problems over the internet is incredibly difficult! If you are creating new Employee Retention Portal web client elements—in particular, portalcknfig.xml you are adding reports to the Portal—you should add new tokens to the file.

See if that works.

Also, no mobile browsing either. General characteristics, which include the location of the reports directory and the operating mode of the application. These folks have received the highest level of training Portlconfig.xml has to offer, whether as an Apple Genius, an independent contractor, or an authorized service professional. PM the Mods with a GCX screenshot or oortalconfig.xml proofand we'll add flair proudly proclaiming your expertise! Problem, the log in system does not take "apple browsers.

This is the same Employee Retention Portal configuration file that you used when you installed Employee Retention Portal. Include as many details as possible. And, I think the mail man was snooping at my pay stubs!

If posting the same question in multiple places, include links to the other threads. Rudeness will not be tolerated! Current or former Apple employees who have a certain level of pogtalconfig.xml are given this title. You can customize Employee Retention Portal by modifying XML files, changing the text for labels and error messages, or providing your own authorization system.


Do not downvote questions. If none of these work, follow the instructions here for using Internet Explorer.


portalconfog.xml You might just be able to change the user ident string. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. You can customize the Employee Retention Portal web client by simply replacing the text portions of the string entries. Log in or sign up in seconds. Then go to your pay stub site, go to the Develop menu in the menu bar and changes the User Agent to one of the Internet Explorers.

I'm going to try TheFatKid4Life's method next! Readers attempting to help you deserve thank-you's and upvotes!

No rank is an indication that the person is always, or even mostly, correct. Developer Previews and AppleSeed Betas.

The Employee Retention Portal configuration file is in the following directory: Follow up after receiving answers! My employer switched to online viewing and home printing of all pay stubs and human resources personnel information. Start Opera Go to the website you are having problems with.

Photos or screenshots of the issue Mac or iOS device.


If posting a log or crash report, upload it to Gist. Guidelines for Readers 5.

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