Tuesday, February 4, 2020


It meant that the previous free movement of people and sharing of resources was now going to be restricted. To his credit, he has identified this as the major hurdle to our national prosperity. There is a temptation to walk the broad way of beating others into being like us. We squandered the golden chance we had in This can be applied to our national unity. otonglo time

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otonglo time

And yet I must integrate the other into my own will to be myself. The aim was to provide a genuine hedge against the exercise of disproportionate political power by economic power groups.

Protests are getting bolder and more widespread. You and I know pretty well that this never saw the light of day.

One highly important area needing attention that is not being addressed is our education system. The State had the obligation to ensure equal opportunities to all its citizens, elimination of exploitation and discrimination, and to provide needed social services such as education, medical care and social security.

Ominde,the chairman of the first educational commission inobserved: Thus the education lacked orientation to employment.

Poxi Presha - Wikipedia

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Notify me of new posts by email. These were good ideals on paper, but what followed gave birth of an elite that mocked the division during the colonial era. Education, like the society itself, was stratified along racial lines.

otonglo time

Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The same thing occurs in affairs of state; for by recognizing from afar the diseases that are spreading in tjme state which is a gift given only to a prudent rulerthey can be cured quickly; but when they are not recognized and are left to grow to the extent that everyone recognizes them, there is no longer any cure.

Waiting is a sign that, although embrace may have a one-sidedness in its origin the self makes the initial movement toward the other like the president has now doneit can never reach its goal without reciprocity the other makes a movement toward the self.

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If we do nothing it will bring down this country fast. Areas with poorer infrastructure were going to feel the brunt of exclusion. Then, like today, the post-independent Kenya was faced with the challenge of forging national unity and integrating all people of the country into one prosperous nation. There must be freedom because every individual is not served by the society oronglo it is his.

Poxi Presha

The public is more aware of the consequences of policies that ignored the path away from tribal politics. Even though it is the Presidents duty to set the tone of national unity, we ALL have a responsibility to be willing to be a nation and refuse to be divided along tribal lines.

Political democracy implied that each member of society is equal in his or her political rights. Promotion of national unity must be taken seriously. I am afraid that these lofty goals will be pipe dreams if we do not reset our education system. It is not enough that the National Cohesion and Integration Act makes discrimination on the basis of ethnic or racial grounds a criminal offence.

Daniel Owira Otonglo Time - Techweez

American actor George L. Our dilemma as a nation is plain; there are those who have made national unity their main focus and have made efforts to reach this goal, while others want this unity but are unwilling the embrace what is offered to them.

Tim are proud of his achievements in the last few days. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Humpty Dumpty has become a highly popular nursery rhyme character. As protagonists we must all desire to embrace one another. No amount of coercion or manipulation may unite us. Professor Miroslav Volf, speaking from the Bosnian experience, has said: When women and young people are both seen and heard at the decision-making table, at national as well as devolved levels of government.

otonglo time

Cohesion must be a mutual venture. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

The irony is that the gains made by the post independent education system in national integration was undermined in the shift to the new education system, the in pursuit of illusive economic prosperity.

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